Jack Richeson Shiva Linseed Oil, 4oz

Article number: 120716-AS
Availability: In stock (1)

Jack Richeson Shiva Linseed Oil is made from a high-quality, highly purified white linseed oil and contains no free mineral acids, lead, or artificial drying agents. When mixed with oil colors, this oil increases flow and provides a smooth application and blending experience. Shiva Linseed Oil can be used as a binder in making custom oil colors, and can be mixed with turpentine or mineral spirits to create custom painting mediums.


  • Made with the finest quality white linseed oil with no no free mineral acids, lead, or artificial drying agents
  • Mix with oil and alkyd colors for smoother application and blending, use as a binder in making oil colors, and mix with turpentine or mineral spirits to create custom painting mediums
  • Can be used undiluted to remove oil paint from brushes
  • Available in 3 sizes – 4oz, 8oz, and 16oz
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